A New Year and all that that Implies…

Business Hair Health and Wellness Lifestyle Motherhood

Happy New Year!  2018.  Wow.  That sounds so strange, since, in my mind at least, 2001 was just a few years ago.  2018 is a new year, full of possibilities and promise.  As most of us do, I am shedding off the past year, and trying to set new goals for this one.


This year brings about some major change for me.  I did something big and scary.  I decided to make a career change.  I’ve been in my field for 18 years, yep, I’m kind of old.  I thought long and hard about it.  I discussed it with friends and family…a lot, like they’re probably tired of hearing about it.  So, it goes without saying that I didn’t make the decision hastily or carelessly.

I’ve worked in the traditional salon environment since 1999.  I began as a makeup artist in 1998 and the natural progression for me was to move in to hair.  I have only worked at 3 salons in 18 years, which is actually quite unusual.  Hairstylists tend to hop around.

I have loved this industry.  It runs in my blood.  I will never completely stop doing hair.  I would be miserable if I gave it up all together.  I’m grateful to have a trade and a talent that I can use my whole life.




My motivation to walk away from the structure of the salon environment is pretty clear.  I needed more flexibility and room to be a Mom.  My sweet little children are growing up under my nose and I don’t want to miss a thing.  I feel so fortunate to have the ability to devote more time to them, and to develop another passion of mine.  Writing.


I’m so excited to be able to pursue my love of the beauty world through this blog.  I love to research new products, services, and brands.  The wonderful community I have discovered through Instagram and WordPress has inspired me to go for it.  Am I an expert?  Hardly.  I screw up pretty regularly, and I’m still trying to figure this whole blogging thing out.  All I know is that I love it, and that’s enough for me.

2018 is full of promise and possibilities.  I hope you are pursuing your dreams.  It takes courage and a bit of Faith.  Cheers to a wonderful and prosperous year!!!!


XO, Amanda

2 thoughts on “A New Year and all that that Implies…”

  1. I am really glad you are making a change to be happier – but my hair misses you already!! -Winter

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